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This study aimed to investigate if linear flow could be identified in a female bladder using Doppler ultrasound. The researchers previously showed that turbulent fluid flow could be differentiated from laminar flow within a female bladder model using Doppler ultrasound. In this study, a nonpregnant female volunteer with no urinary complaints or urogynecological history was evaluated using transabdominal ultrasound. Ureteral jets were identified and visualized under color flow, and manual pulsatile movements were created in the bladder to evaluate fluid flow. The observations showed that sonography can identify laminar flow in a human female bladder and differentiate it from static fluid. The researchers suggest that further studies should aim to identify turbulent flow in females with urogynecological pathology, as turbulence has been linked to recurrent urinary tract infections. Confirming these findings in human bladders with urinary complaints and urogynecological history is needed. The study included images showing homogenous laminar flow in ureteral jets and generalized fluid flow when pressure was applied to the abdomen over the bladder. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the potential of ultrasound evaluation to identify and differentiate fluid turbulence in a human bladder.
linear flow
Doppler ultrasound
laminar flow
female bladder
transabdominal ultrasound
ureteral jets
fluid flow
urinary complaints
urogynecological history
ultrasound evaluation
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