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This study aimed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness and clinical utility of routine pre-operative pelvic MRIs in identifying women at high risk of surgical failure for symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse. The study utilized the 2008-2014 National Inpatient Sample database and previously published literature data. A decision tree model comparing surgical outcomes and costs was created, with one arm involving the use of pre-operative pelvic MRIs and surgical outcomes based on levator ani subtended volume (eLASV) predictors, and another arm not utilizing pre-operative MRI and using outcomes from historical literature. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess cost-effectiveness. <br /><br />The results showed that a pre-operative pelvic MRI was cost-effective when the cost was $545, representing the break-even point between expected costs with and without the MRI. Furthermore, utilizing pre-operative MRIs to calculate eLASV as a predictor for surgical outcomes resulted in significantly higher expected success rates for patients stratified to surgical procedures (94% compared to 65% without MRI). The model suggested that routine use of pre-operative pelvic MRIs could be cost-effective when used as a surgical prediction model to optimize patient outcomes. <br /><br />Overall, this study concluded that pre-operative pelvic MRIs can be valuable in identifying patients at high risk of surgical failure and improving surgical outcomes.
clinical utility
pre-operative pelvic MRIs
surgical failure
symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse
levator ani subtended volume
eLASV predictors
surgical outcomes
cost analysis
patient outcomes
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