Perineal Body Length as an Indicator of Anal Sphin ...
Perineal Body Length as an Indicator of Anal Sphincter Disruption in Women Remote from Vaginal Delivery - Andre Plair, MD MS
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In this study, the researchers investigated whether perineal body length (PBL) could be used as an indicator of anal sphincter separation in older women who have completed childbearing. Anal sphincter separation is a risk factor for accidental bowel leakage (ABL) in older women. The study included 113 women aged 40 years or older with a history of at least one vaginal delivery and who underwent endoanal ultrasound. Women with a history of transperineal or anorectal surgery were excluded. <br /><br />The results showed that 53% of the participants had a shortened PBL, while 46% had a normal PBL. Shortened PBL was associated with a higher likelihood of external anal sphincter (EAS) disruption, but not with internal anal sphincter (IAS) disruption. This suggests that PBL may be a physical examination tool to predict anal sphincter disruption in women who are remote from childbearing.<br /><br />The researchers concluded that future studies are needed to determine the sensitivity and specificity of PBL as a measure for anal sphincter disruption and its clinical utility. Identifying women with occult anal sphincter defects through a non-invasive physical examination tool could allow for directed screening for ABL symptoms, which are often not disclosed due to stigma. The study authors declared no conflicts of interest or financial disclosures.
perineal body length
anal sphincter separation
older women
accidental bowel leakage
vaginal delivery
endoanal ultrasound
external anal sphincter disruption
internal anal sphincter disruption
physical examination tool
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