Streamlining Postoperative Void Trials: A Study Co ...
Streamlining Postoperative Void Trials: A Study Comparing Standard Backfill versus Backfill in the Operating Room - Ana Rebecca Meekins, MD
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This study aimed to compare the standard backfill void trial (VT) protocol with a new protocol that backfills the bladder in the operating room (OR) for patients undergoing urogynecologic surgery. The standard VT protocol involves backfilling the bladder with 300 mL, measuring voided volume and post-void residual (PVR), and determining pass or fail based on PVR results. The new OR backfill VT protocol involves backfilling the bladder with 200 mL in the OR, removing the catheter, and measuring voided volume in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU). Void volume less than 100 mL is considered a fail, void volume greater than 200 mL is a pass, and void volume between 100-199 mL requires measuring PVR.<br /><br />A retrospective cohort study was conducted on women who underwent urogynecologic surgery, and they were divided into two groups based on the type of VT performed. The results showed that the OR backfill VT protocol was associated with a 23-minute reduction in PACU time compared to the standard VT protocol. The overall VT failure rate was 21.3% and was not significantly different between the two groups. The OR backfill VT method was deemed safe and effective in identifying women at risk for postoperative urinary retention. It resulted in a shorter PACU stay without increasing catheterization rates.<br /><br />In conclusion, the new OR backfill VT protocol for same-day urogynecologic surgery resulted in a shorter PACU stay and lower rates of postoperative catheterization compared to the standard VT protocol. The OR backfill VT method is safe and effective in identifying women at risk for postoperative urinary retention.
backfill void trial
urogynecologic surgery
operating room
VT protocol
post-void residual
post-anesthesia care unit
retrospective cohort study
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