PFD Week 2017
Includes select Clinical Sessions and Surgical Videos from the 2017 PFD Week.
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Removal Of Vaginal Calculus With Surgical Drill
Sacral Neuromodulation Lead Removal: A Novel Technique
Modified Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty for the Transgender Woman
The 4-Wall Sacrospinous Ligament Suspension: Secrets to Success For Complex Cases
Retropubic Robotic Excision of Mesh for the Treatment Of Midurethral Slings and Transvaginal Prolapse Mesh Erosion Into the Bladder.
Minimally Invasive Cystoscopic Suture Excision
Vestibulectomy Technique for Refractory Vulvodynia
Logothetopulos: Control of Intraoperative Hemorrhage with Pelvic Pressure Pack
Excision of Vaginal Mesh Exposure in The Bladder: A Robotic Approach
Persistent Vaginal Leakage in The Setting of an Apical Vaginal Sinus Tract
Sacrocolpopexy Modification in the Setting of a Pelvic Kidney
Deconstruction of Colpocleisis and Vaginal Resuspension
Autologous Fascia Lata Spiral Sling Anal Sphincteroplasty: Salvage Repair for Fecal Incontinence
Harvest of Autologous Fascia Lata From the Thigh Surgical Technique Video
Rectovaginal Fistula Repair Using a Gracilis Muscle Flap and Full Thickness Skin Graft
Management of Presacral Bleeding
Extravesical Robotic Ureteral Reimplantation for Ureterovaginal Fistula
Sigmoid Epiploica Interposition During Robotic Vesicovaginal Fistula Repair