PFD Week 2016
Includes select Clinical Sessions and Surgical Videos from the 2016 PFD Week.
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J. Marion Sims Lecture: Best Evidence and Biggest Challenges of Global Urogynecologic Registries - Audio
Cerclage Sacrohysteropexy: A Novel Technique for Uterovaginal Prolapse
Autologous Suburethral Sling Using the Tensor Fascia Lata
Revision of Intravesical Mesh
Bladder Augment with Bladder Neck Closure and Continent Stoma
Small Bowel Obstruction Following Internal Herniation Through Peritoneal Defect: A Rare Complication of Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy
Robotic Excision of A Mid-Urethral Sling Erosion in the Superior Aspect of the Urethra
Intraoperative Management of the Non-effluxing Ureter
Benign Diseases of the Female Urethra
Uterine-sparing Uterosacral Ligament Suspension
12 Month In-Dwelling Intravesical Air-Filled Balloon Remocal Followed by New Balloon Replacement Per the Success Clinical Trial Protocal
Surgical Techniques for Urethral Reconstruction Using a Vaginal Flap
Robotic Excision of Suture Entrapment of the Lumbosacral Trunk
Cystosure: A Novel Technique to Make Cystoscopy Safer, Simpler, and More Standardized
Efficiency In Robotic Sacrocervicopexy
Native Tissue Bilateral Sacrospinous Fixation Using Novel Suture Capture Device
The K-Technique: A Novel Technique for Laparoscopic Apical Suspension Using Barbed Sutures
A Rare Case of Vaginal Vault Prolapse and Surgical Management in a Patient with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) Syndrome
Robotic Excision of Parasitic Fibroids Two Year After Morcellation
Techniques to Identify and Enter An Enterocoele Sac in A Posthysterectomy Patient
Debate: Refractory Overactive Bladder Treatment: Onabotulinum Toxin Bladder Injection vs. Interstim Direct Sacral Nerve Stimulation
Avascular Planes of the Pelvis
Comprehensive Anatomy of the Clitoris for the Pelvic Surgeon
Avoiding Upper Extremity Neuropathy During Pelvic Surgery
Anatomy of Transobturator Sling Surgery
Anatomy of the Female Sexual Response
Punch Ball Advanced Cystoscopy Trainer
Narrow Band Imaging in Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome
Incidental Finding on Cystoscopy: A Video Tutorial
Indocyanine Green (ICG) for Intraoperative Localization of Ureter
A Low-Cost Do-It-Yourself Training Model for Diagnostic Cystoscopy
Assessing Ureteral Patency: Using D50 As A Visualization Medium in Cystoscopy
Life After Indigo Carmine: A Look at What is Available
The Use of Defecography in Women with Pelvic Floor Disorders
Dynamic Cysto Colpo Proctogram: An Evolution of Technique Over Twenty Years
Interventional Radiology Used to Treat Pelvic Hemorrhage After Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
Multicompartment Two Dimensional Sonographic Dynamic Functional Assessment of Voiding Dysfunction Following Sling Surgery
Characterizing Female Pelvic Floor Conditions by Tactile Imaging
An Introduction to a New Technology for Measuring Urethral Pressures: 3-D High Resolution Manometry
High Definition Pressure Mapping of the Pelvic Floor Muscles During Valsalva Maneuver, Voluntary Muscle Contraction and Involuntary Relaxation
Intra-Abdominal Pressure Changes During Activities of Daily Living. How Much is Too Much?
Enterocele Induced Rectal Prolapse: A Novel Form of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Multicompartmental Ultrasound Approach to Anorectal Dysfunction
Anterior Vaginal Mass: Evaluation and Management of Extravesical Incarcerated Ureterocele
A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Diagnosis Management of Obstructed Hemivagina and Ipsilateral Renal Anomaly (Ohvira)Syndrome and Rectal Prolapse
Posterior Pelvic Support Sling for Fecal Incontinence
Combined Management of Traumatic Perineal Cloaca Using A Biologic-grafted Transvaginal Technique and Interstim
Beef Tongue Model - A Practical Alternative for Teaching The Repair of Obsteric Anal Sphincter Laceration
Overalapping Anal Sphincteroplasty Filmed Using A Vaginally Mounted High Definition Camera
Burch Colposuspension: A Non-Mesh Option for Anti-Incontinence Surgery
Complete Urethral Reconstruction with Martius Fat Pad Transposition and Pubovaginal Sling
The Role of the Cardinal Ligaments in Peri-Cervical Ring Construction - Audio
Recurrent Prolapse following Transvaginal Mesh Kit Repair: Anatomy and Correction
Surgical Management of Mesh Complications
The Role of the Cardinal Ligaments in Peri-Cervical Ring Construction - PDF
The Key to Preventing Transvaginal Mesh Erosion: Utilizing Hydroditention during Proper
A Transverse Vaginal Incision for The Insertion of Vaginal Mesh
Simplified Management of Vaginal Mesh Erosion
Use of A Pediatric Nasal Speculum to Facilitate the Excision Of Urethral Mesh Erosion
Simplified Labiaplasty: Step-by-Step Guide to A Novel, Quick, and Effective Approach - Audio
Pudendal Nerve Entrapment Following Posterior Trans-Vaginal Mesh Procedure- Cadaveric Demonstration of Pudendal Nerve Dissection
A Novel Technique for Transurethral Excision of Intravesical Synthetic Mesh Extrusion
Simplified Labiaplasty: Step-by-Step Guide to A Novel, Quick, and Effective Approach - PDF
Techniques to Facilitate Transvaginal Removal of Synthetic Mesh from The Urethra
Avoiding and Surgically Managing Intravesical Mesh
Excision of Urethral Diverticulum: A Review of Technique
Treatment of Dyspareunia After Sacrocolpopexy By Robotic Assisted Surgical Exchanging Graft Material
Laparoscopic Excision of Infected Mersilene Sacrocolpopexy Mesh
Unusual Complication Following Posterior Synthetic Vaginal Mesh Placement
Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Excision of Retropubic Mesh
Adapting Barbed Suture to Vaginal Reconstructive Surgery Volume 3: Le Fort Colpocleisis - Audio
Robotic-Assisted Excision of Transvaginal Mesh
A Novel Approach to Cystoscopic Mesh Excision
Adapting Barbed Suture to Vaginal Reconstructive Surgery Volume 3: Le Fort Colpocleisis - PDF
Transurethral Management of Mesh Extrusion In The Bladder
Modified Laparoscopic Davydov Neovagina Procedure in a Patient with a Surgically Shortened Vagina
Relieving Menstrual Obstruction: Surgical Correction of Vaginal Agenesis
Optimizing Surgical Techniques for Sacral Neuromodulation
Adapting Barbed Suture to Vaginal Reconstructive Surgery Volume 2: Posterior Corporrhaphy - Audio
Peripheral Nerve Evaluation for Sacral Neuromodulation
A Patient-Based Educational Video for Sacral Nerve Stimulation
Adapting Barbed Suture to Vaginal Reconstructive Surgery Volume 2: Posterior Corporrhaphy - PDF
Robotic-Assisted Suprcervical Hysterectomy and Cervicosacropexy for the Management of Apical Prolapse
Anatomic Landmarks During Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Sacral Colpopexy
Episiotomy Wound Closure with Surgisis
Robotic Trachelectomy S/P Robotic Supracervical Hysterectomy and Sacrocervicopexy
Multicompartment Ultrasound Imaging of Midurethral Slings: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Case Report: Laparoscopic and Vulvar Resection of a Congenital Prepubic Sinus
Surgical Management of a Gartner's Duct Cyst
Transvaginal Approach to Urethral Reconstruction After Midurethral Sling Complication
Urethrolysis For Synthetic Peri-Urethral Bulking Agent Collection
Repair of Anterior Sacral Meningocele at the Time of Abdominal Sacral Colpopexy
3-D Animation of The Sacrocolpopexy Procedure for Treating Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Patient Education Module
Trigger Point Injections: Tips and Tricks
Laparocscopic Sacral Hysterocolpopexy: A Dual-Mesh Modification
Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy for "Gap Failure" after Anterior and Posterior Mesh Repairs
Vaginally Assisted Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy (Vals)
Laparascopic Sacrocervical Colpopexy
Dissection of the Ureter at the Pelvic Side Wall - Audio
Laparascopic Vaginal Vault Suspension
Laparoscopic Enterocele Repair: Closure of Enterocele And Uterosacral Ligament Suspension After Total Vaginal Mesh Placement
Dissection of the Ureter at the Pelvic Side Wall - PDF
Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy With Excision of Intravesical Mesh Erosion
Combined Laparoscopic Sacrocolpoperineopexy-Rectopexy Procedure for Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Minimally Invasive Midline Surgery 'M-I-M-S' Using A Novel Suturing Technique for Sacrocervicopexy
Laparoscopic Mesh Sacrohysteropexy With Concurrent Laparoscopic Myomectomy for Multiple Fibroids
Surgical Management of Recurrent Upper Vaginal Prolapse Following Sacral Colpopexy
Laparoscopic Native-Tissue Uterine Suspension: A Novel Modification to Enhance Anterior Support
Tips and Tricks in Laparoscopic Sacral Colpopexy
Failed Mesh Sacral Colpopexy Resulting in Recurrent Uterine Prolapse Treated Successfully with Laparoscopic Sacral
Recurrent Apical Prolapse After Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy: Where Did It Go Wrong?
Post-Hysterectomy Laparoscopic Uterosacral Ligament Suspension
A Novel Approach to Sacral Fixation During Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy and Sacrocervicopexy For Uterovaginal Prolapse
Combined Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy - Rectopexy
Robotic Sacrocolpoperineopexy With Ventral Rectopexy
A Novel Technique of Laparoscopic Vesical Vaginal Fistula Repair: Not an O'Connor Modification
Robotic Assisted Paravaginal Repair at the Time of Sacrocolpopexy: A Case Series
The Manchester Procedure for Cervical Prolapse
Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation: An Instructional Video
Use of a Vessel Loop to Ensure Tunnel Patency During Lefort Colpocleisis
Vaginal Hysterectomy and Uterosacral Ligament Colpopexy: A View from Above
Indications and Techniques for Autologous (Rectus Fascia) Bladder Neck Pubovaginal Slings
Pelvic Floor Surgery Following Kidney Transplantation: Technique and Comment
Robot-assisted Repair of Ureteral Injury in Gynecologic Surgery
Surgical Management of Ureteral Injury: A Simulation Training Model
Ureteral Stent Placement: An Educational Video
Management of Delayed Iatrogenic Ureteral Injuries
Overcoming Challenges to The Difficult Vaginal Hysterectomy
Neovagina Creation Using Spit-Thickness Skin Graft to Treat the latrogenic Foreshortened Vagina
Rectocele Repair With Iliococcygeus Suspension
Bladder Exstrophy And Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Surgical Management Of A Complicated Case Of Recurrent Sui Due To Isd
Vaginal Skin Flap Urethroplasy For Female Urethral Stricture
X-Flap Repair Of Acquired Chronic Cloaca
Surgical Excision Of Urethral Prolapse
Perioperative Medical Management and Evaluation - Audio
Perioperative Medical Management and Evaluation - PDF
Robotic Excision of Intravesical Mesh Erosion - Audio
Robotic Excision of Intravesical Mesh Erosion - PDF
The Pop Home Project: A Quality Improvement Project Introducing Self-Management of Vaginal Pessaries for Prolapse - Audio
The Pop Home Project: A Quality Improvement Project Introducing Self-Management of Vaginal Pessaries for Prolapse - PDF
Novel Use Of 3-D Printing Technology to Customize a Pessary - Audio
Novel Use Of 3-D Printing Technology to Customize a Pessary - PDF
Surgical Management of Recurrent Upper Vaginal Prolapse Following Sacral Colpopexy - Audio
Robotic Sacrocolpopexy For Repair of Recurrent Vaginal Vault Prolapse - Audio
Robotic Sacrocolpopexy For Repair of Recurrent Vaginal Vault Prolapse - PDF
Technique for Modified Vaginal Cuff Closure During Combined Robotic Total Hysterectomy and Sacrocolpopexy - Audio
Technique for Modified Vaginal Cuff Closure During Combined Robotic Total Hysterectomy and Sacrocolpopexy - PDF
Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy With Uterine Preservation - Audio
Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy With Uterine Preservation - PDF
Tips and Tricks: Patient Positioning, Port Placement, And Side Docking for Robotic Supracervical Hysterectomy and Sacrocolpopexy - Audio
Tips and Tricks: Patient Positioning, Port Placement, And Side Docking for Robotic Supracervical Hysterectomy and Sacrocolpopexy - PDF
Sacral Hysteropexy Sling: A Video Demonstration and Preliminary Results Of An Approach To Uterine Conserving Surgery For Advanced Prolapse - Audio
Sacral Hysteropexy Sling: A Video Demonstration and Preliminary Results Of An Approach To Uterine Conserving Surgery For Advanced Prolapse - PDF
High Uterosacral Ligament Vaginal Vault Suspension: Revisiting this Pelvic Anatomy - Audio
High Uterosacral Ligament Vaginal Vault Suspension: Revisiting this Pelvic Anatomy - PDF
Rubber Band Colporrhaphy - Audio
Rubber Band Colporrhaphy - PDF
Composite Synthetic: Biologic Grafts for Anterior Apical Prolapse Repair - Audio
Composite Synthetic: Biologic Grafts for Anterior Apical Prolapse Repair - PDF
Surgical Treatment of Multiple Bladder Calculi Associated with Irreducible Uterovaginal Prolapse - Audio
Surgical Treatment of Multiple Bladder Calculi Associated with Irreducible Uterovaginal Prolapse - PDF
Modifications to The Technique and Set Up Used in Vaginal High Uterosacral Ligament Suspension - Audio
Modifications to The Technique and Set Up Used in Vaginal High Uterosacral Ligament Suspension - PDF
Bilateral Iliococcygeus Apical Suspension at Time of Site-Specific Vaginal Enterocele And Rectocele Repair - Audio
Bilateral Iliococcygeus Apical Suspension at Time of Site-Specific Vaginal Enterocele And Rectocele Repair - PDF
Procidentia Treated by Vaginal Hysterectomy and Vaginal Sacrocolpopexy - Audio
Procidentia Treated by Vaginal Hysterectomy and Vaginal Sacrocolpopexy - PDF
Autologous Fascia Lata Harvest and Anterior Vaginal Repair: A Video Illustration - Audio
Autologous Fascia Lata Harvest and Anterior Vaginal Repair: A Video Illustration - PDF
Transvaginal Paravaginal Defect Repair Using a Suture-capturing Device - Audio
Transvaginal Paravaginal Defect Repair Using a Suture-capturing Device - PDF
Native Tissue Anterior Repair: Key Steps for A Successful Outcome - Audio
Native Tissue Anterior Repair: Key Steps for A Successful Outcome - PDF
Apical Sling: An Approach to Post-Hysterectomy Prolapse - Audio
Apical Sling: An Approach to Post-Hysterectomy Prolapse - PDF
Cystocele Repair Using Autologous Iliotibial Band - Audio
Cystocele Repair Using Autologous Iliotibial Band - PDF
Rectovaginal Septoplasty: An Anatomic Approach to Rectocele Repair - Audio
Rectovaginal Septoplasty: An Anatomic Approach to Rectocele Repair - PDF
Reproducible Side Docking of The Robotic System - Audio
Reproducible Side Docking of The Robotic System - PDF
Robotic Midurethral Sling Excision with Concomitant Burch Colposuspension - Audio
Robotic Midurethral Sling Excision with Concomitant Burch Colposuspension - PDF
Robotic Excision of Migrated Inguinal Hernia Mesh into The Paravesical Space - Audio
Robotic Excision of Migrated Inguinal Hernia Mesh into The Paravesical Space - PDF
Robotic Partial Cystectomy for Mesh Excision - Audio
Robotic Partial Cystectomy for Mesh Excision - PDF
A Distal Urethral Mass in the Femal Patient: Management and Surgical Considerations, Through Three Case Presentations - Audio
A Distal Urethral Mass in the Femal Patient: Management and Surgical Considerations, Through Three Case Presentations - PDF
Dilator Dissection and Sling Setting for Tot - Audio
Dilator Dissection and Sling Setting for Tot - PDF
Simplified Management of Synthetic Sling Complications - Audio
Simplified Management of Synthetic Sling Complications - PDF
Repair of A True Bladder Hernia - Audio
Repair of A True Bladder Hernia - PDF
Office Sling Release for The Treatment of Postoperative Urinary Retention - Audio
Office Sling Release for The Treatment of Postoperative Urinary Retention - PDF
In Office Single Incision Transobturator Sling (Sis) for the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Novel Approach to Patient Centric Care - Audio
In Office Single Incision Transobturator Sling (Sis) for the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Novel Approach to Patient Centric Care - PDF
Ergonomics in The Or: Protecting the Surgeon - Audio
Ergonomics in The Or: Protecting the Surgeon - PDF
Multidisciplinary Approach to Evaluation, And Safer Surgical Positioning, for Patients At Risk For Position-Related Injury During Gynecologic Surgery - Audio
Multidisciplinary Approach to Evaluation, And Safer Surgical Positioning, for Patients At Risk For Position-Related Injury During Gynecologic Surgery - PDF
Ureteroneocystostomy at the Time of Robot-Assisted Sacrocolpopexy - Audio
Ureteroneocystostomy at the Time of Robot-Assisted Sacrocolpopexy - PDF
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